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Hello!  My name is Eric Kosinski.  I am the creator of Element Wars and lead designer here at EJK Games.  I created Element Wars back in 2007. As a volunteer Den Chief for Boy Scouts, I needed to make a game for a group of Cub Scouts to play. The game was a huge hit and the kids loved to play it every chance they got. Since then Element Wars has evolved and transitioned to this point. It's been a long journey and there is still much more to do, but I am excited to be writing this very first article for


Before getting into the future of the site I want to thank everyone who has helped develop Element Wars into a game that can be played by all.  From the awesome artists who continue to produce these amazing pieces of art, to the programmers that help develop the dream, I am surrounded by wonderful people. Whenever you observe the artwork on a card (or anywhere else) consider the talented individual who had only an idea to work with, but made that idea into a visual creation. The same goes for the names on the credits.  It is impossible to explain how much time and work went into making  Element Wars  a product to be played around the world. I am forever thankful for the knowledge, talent, and hard work that was put in by these amazing individuals.

Welcome to Element Wars

For those of you visiting the site for the first time, you may be asking "So what can I expect from Element in the future?" Well, as you see here, articles will be added every once in a while talking about events, strategies, top decks, design philosophies, and much more!  I highly recommend that you keep checking the site to see what article is posted next.  Also in production right now is a database of all the Element Wars cards in existence.  Soon you will be able to search, view, and comment on all current Element Wars cards.  Last but not least, this site will keep you updated on the Lore of Element Wars, as well as any and all products that are being released.

In the next article I will be discussing some design philosophies behind the design of Element Wars as well as revealing a card that will be in the first set of Element Wars.  Until then stay posted and keep rolling those dice!

By Eric Kosinski

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